Dreamer's Editorial..

Moslems around the world are definitely in a festive mood now.. 'Tis the month to be holy, jolly, and good.. People who are moslems shall undergo the ritual of fasting during daylight, in which they have to also control their emotion and behaviour..

If you live in countries where Islam is an influencing accent of social construction the I'd guess you would notice that by Ramadhan, practically the whole country goes into slow mode, since people are taking things a little easier to cope with the fasting they go thru..

Anyhoo, my photography will go on even during Ramadhan, no reason not to.. To save time and bandwidth on the blog you can see my albums online in facebook, flickr, and fotografer.net

Make sure you check them out!

I hope i'll be able to write articles related to the theme of Ramadhan..

Have a festive and blessful month!

Happy reading, everyone! :)

22 August 2009

Friday 22 May 2009

three cheers for sweet love

For this whole day I've been juggling a many things, i was writing up 3 papers and 1 translation job, and that's enough multi-tasking to make you puke, i would think..

So now that i look at the time, it's 1 in the morning, surely time to stop, for health's sake.. Earlier today just to ensure myself that i wasn't intoxicating myself by working too much, i took a rest, after all my rule of thumb in working is that hard work never killed anyone, but why take a chance? :D

"i'd probably be the first one killed by my own friends if i were to ever ask them to kill people for me for a girl"

While resting, i sat myself in front of the TV. But let me tell you about this TV we have in the house; it's situated in the center hall of me and me mates' frat house, but it's like friggin' 14 inches of screen, so it's a berryberry small TV, and its funny when we all gather to watch a movie together, as we would be like kids in a rural 1960s Indonesia where only one guy had a TV per village and everyone would cramp a rooms to see black and white on small inch TVs and feel really technologically advanced after that. Plus our TV had shitty broadcast receiving as we have shitty antennas (and yes we have two antennas lodged to one TV --"), which now we rely a lot on the internal antenna because the outdoor one wasn't working as properly, and this is sad because me mate Sani climbed the roof like he was MvGyver, installed the antenna but couldnt climb back down like those cats on TV who finally had to be rescued by the firemen ^^

"hard work never killed anyone, but why take a chance?"

Now the movie feature of tonight were "Helen of Troy" (the one with Pitt and Bloom in it, I'm unsure if i got the titles right), an old movie but has good market longetivity (my way of justifying that we're not stuck watching a yesteryear movie :D). But this got me thinking of the thing we all call but never quite understand; "Love". The legend of Troy was that Greece waged a war on Troy simply because Paris of Troy "stole" the wife of Greece's crown prince (I think it goes something like that), which enraged Greece to wage a 10 year Trojan War, involving hundreds and thousands of men, tens of thousands of fleet armada, all because of one single woman, and the fight for love (cuit cuit i feel sick haha). I'm a guy currently very much in love, and i understand that sometimes we do what we gotta do, right? But wow, what happened on that war was sheer lunacy..

"this got me thinking of the thing we all call but never quite understand; "Love""

I then remembered watching an episode of FRIENDS where Ross wanted to make his marriage with Emily work, and that meant ahving to move appartments and no talk to Rachel (okay first of all i think its stupid that the guy mentioned the wrong name at the marriage ceremony). But when his pals thought he was giving up too much, he said; "Sometimes in marriage we have to do stuff, it may be something thats irrational, and sometimes we may not even like doing what we do, but that's sometimes the price we pay"... I agree completely. I'm not boasting, but I've done a lot of things for the woman i love right now (Yotsuba, you know who you are :D) that many friends thought was either stupid, illogical, irrational, acting the goat, and sheer dumb lunacy. But hey, at least i didnt wage a 10 year war right? (besides I'm neither a king nor a prince, so i'd probably be the first one killed by my own friends if i were to ever ask them to kill people for me for a girl ^^;)

"I'm a guy currently very much in love, and i understand that sometimes we do what we gotta do, right?"

I guess everyday we learn new things, eh? Especially about this curious thing called love. I think its continuous learning, this is. Sorry that i write this like a diary, i promise this is the only one, but i still think its worth writing because i believe you readers can all to a certain degree relate to what i say.. Am i right? Cheers for love, eh? :)

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